Patterned after Smiles for Kids (SFK), Smiles for BIG Kids® (SFBK) program kicked off in 2009 to provide necessary dental services to uninsured and low-income adults. While SFK addresses the dental needs of children, SFBK promotes oral health to adults, provides donated dental treatment for uninsured, low-income adults age 19+ who are in need of urgent dental care, as well as education on maintaining proper oral health. This program is available to all area adults who meet the program’s eligibility requirements, and especially targets the needs of our community’s low-income elderly population, as well as the parents of children served by the SFK program. Since the program’s inception, over $1.7 million in services has been provided (an average of $2,500 per patient.)
Thank you to our Smiles for Big Kids Grantors!

Previous Grantors
- California Wellness Foundation
- CDA Foundation
- Henry Schein Supplies Grant
- CHW/Dignity Community Grants
- Del Webb Foundation
- Delta Dental Community Care Foundation
- Teichert Foundation
- Wells Fargo